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How Do I Treat Leaf-Eating Insects on Tomato Plants?

Leaf-eating insects such as hornworms, beet armyworms, leaf miners, loopers and whiteflies cause tomato plants a number of health concerns. Left to their own devices, these insects defoliate plants and reduce yields. In fact, certain pests such as whiteflies infect tomato plants with viral diseases. Early detection is critical when treating tomato pests to prevent your entire tomato crop from suffering. Use pesticides correctly to reduce the risk of causing further health decline.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose
  • Bypass shears
  • Denatured alcohol
  • Garbage bag
  • Insecticidal soap
  • Pesticide


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      Water your tomato plants. Spraying any type of pesticide on a water-stressed tomato plant causes damage.

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      Dip a pair of bypass shears into a sterilizing mixture of 70 percent denatured alcohol and 30 percent water and prune damaged leaves.

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      Clean all debris beneath the tomato plant to prevent pests from hiding under the plant. Remove any pest eggs.

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      Spray your tomato plant with insecticidal soap, which works best when used on a dry day. Reapply the spray in a few days because it's effective for only 24 hours.

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      Apply a multi-insect killer that contains cyfluthrin or carbaryl, if insects continue to harm your tomato plants. Reapply the spray to the tomato plant according to the directions.