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How to Grow Thyme Indoors

One of the benefits of indoor herb gardens is having fresh herbs available for use while cooking. Thyme, a herb used to flavor soups, stuffings, meats and vegetables, is a common choice for growing indoors. It's one of the easiest herbs to care for and requires very little maintenance.

Things You'll Need

  • Container with saucer
  • Potting soil or seed starting soil
  • Herb seeds or plants
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      Choose the type of thyme you want to grow. Thymus vulgaris is the species most commonly for cooking, but there are hundreds of kinds of thyme. Other common choices include French thyme, English thyme and lemon thyme. Search seed company websites including Park Seed and Johnny's Select Seeds for ideas.

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      Choose a sunny window for your thyme plant. Light is naturally lower indoors, so find a spot where it will get light for most of the day.

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      If starting your thyme from seed, fill a pot with seed starting soil. Sprinkle the seeds over the surface, then barely cover them with more soil. Gently water until germination.

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      If a friend has a thyme plant that is a few years old, divide the roots and plant your portion in potting soil. You can also buy a plant from a nursery.

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      Only water thyme after the soil has dried. Watch to make sure it doesn't wilt, but otherwise the roots may rot if the soil is kept too moist.

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      Feed your plant every 2 to 3 weeks with a liquid fertilizer during late spring/summer.

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      Snip off some stems after the plant has had a chance to become established. The leaves are the part that is used. You also can eat the flowers.

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      Once a few years have passed, dig the plant up and divide it to stimulate new growth. You can plant more pots for yourself or share them.