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How to Plant Thyme Seeds

Thyme is an herb with a variety of uses. It is delicious when added to a number of recipes, but also has antibacterial properties and functions as a natural insect repellent. Some gardeners keep it around simply for its intoxicating scent. There are hundreds of species of thyme, and all of them are relatively easy to grow from seed. However, it is best to start this slow-growing herb indoors. Delicate juvenile plants need protection until they are strong enough to weather the out of doors.

Things You'll Need

  • Multi-cell tray
  • Potting soil
  • 4-inch pots
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    • 1

      Fill the planting tray with quality commercial potting soil.

    • 2

      Sprinkle the thyme seeds on top of the soil. Ideally, you want five to six seeds per square inch or per cell. Then sprinkle a fine layer of soil over the seeds and pat it down with your hand.

    • 3

      Water the soil so that it is moist. Continue to keep the soil moist and the planting tray in light shade until the seeds have germinated.

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      Pick the most viable seedlings once they are large enough to handle. Transfer them to their own individual 4-inch pots. Keep them indoors or in the greenhouse under light shade during their first winter. Then transfer them to their permanent outdoor home in June or July just after a rain. Individual plants should be spaced 8 to 12 inches apart in light to medium, well-drained loam soil and full sun.