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The Best Grass Seed for Georgia

The best grass seed for any area is the one most adapted to the local growing conditions. The different local climates across the state of Georgia mean that the grasses that will perform well in the cooler northern areas may not adapt well in the hot and humid south. Grasses are broadly classified as cool season or warm season grasses and a number of varieties in both group grow well in Georgia.
  1. Tall Fescue

    • Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is cited as the most popular grass in Georgia mountains and upper piedmont areas by the University of Georgia Extension site. . The cool season grass grows well in sunny or partially shaded areas. Tall fescue is low in maintenance with a high tolerance for heat and drought. The grass adapts to infrequent mowing and moderate levels of traffic. Tall fescue retains its color during cooler winters but is not able to withstand low temperatures. The dark green grass has a coarse texture and produces turf of uniform appearance.

    Perennial Ryegrass

    • Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is grown as a cool season turfgrass all across Georgia, often used as a temporary winter cover on new lawns in the process of getting established. The grass is well adapted to coastal areas with moderate weather during the entire year. Though the grass prefers to grow in areas of full sun, it tolerates some shade. Perennial grass is the most wear tolerant of all the cool season grasses and has a fine texture. The grass also tolerates low temperatures and drought, and has a good level of resistance to disease.


    • Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) comes in a wide range of cultivars, the majority of which are well adapted to growing in the entire state of Georgia as cited by the University of Georgia Extension site. Zoysia grass is a slow establishing, warm season grass with few pest related problems and a low water requirement. This low maintenance grass adapts well to warm regions and has dark green color with a fine to medium texture. Zoysiagrass spreads with rhizomes and stolons and goes dormant in winter. The grass tolerates drought, heavy traffic and some shade.