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When to Plant Creeping Thyme?

Creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), or mother of thyme, is a perennial herb grown for its fragrance and flavor. Like most thymes, creeping thyme is easy to grow and it can be planted at the same time as other perennial herbs.
  1. Spring Planting

    • The ideal time for planting creeping thyme is spring, about a month after the last frost. Spring planting ensures that the plant will become established before harsh summer weather. Like most Mediterranean herbs, thyme requires well-draining soil of average fertility.

    Summer and Fall

    • If your schedule demands a summer planting, creeping thyme should be lightly mulched and kept watered until it is established. If you plant in the fall, plant about six weeks before the first frost to prevent damage to unestablished roots.


    • Divisions or rooted slips of creeping thyme can be tucked into lightly turned garden soil in spring or fall. Mulch lightly and keep watered until the roots become established.


    • Plant creeping thyme among other herbs near the kitchen door for easy access during meal preparation. Plant it among perennials and taller herbs as a ground cover. Use creeping thyme between stepping stones or along a sidewalk where its fragrance will be released as you brush against it.