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Various Kinds of Lemon Thyme Plants

Lemon is just one type of thyme plant, yet there are even different types of lemon thyme. The scientific name for lemon thyme is thymus x citriodorus, and this is what you should look for when buying lemon thyme. Smell the plant and make sure it has that citrus scent. If it does not, it is probably not lemon thyme. Thyme prefers shallow pots, as it only grows 8 inches tall, but may spread 2 feet wide.
  1. Golden Thyme

    • This cultivar of lemon thyme has green leaves that have a yellow tint to them. It grows well as a border plant in your garden or also in a pot on the back deck. If you live in a hot, dry climate, this is the lemon thyme for you to grow. You can use this variety of lemon thyme in your cooking, but the leaves are also good for tea for help in healing sore throats. This plant grows to about 6 inches tall and 12 inches wide. The pink flowers bloom from May through July. While the lemon thyme is a perennial, it is a good idea to dig up the herb and plant new seedlings about every four years to prevent disease. Make sure to allow the soil to dry completely between waterings as golden thyme prefers soil to be a little on the dry side.

    Silver Thyme

    • Argenteus or silver thyme has light green leaves with silver edges. This lemon thyme grows to about 6 inches tall and 1 foot wide. It prefers growing in the full sun in fairly dry soil. Do not overwater silver thyme, as this causes root rot. Silver thyme flowers bloom from June to July with lilac-colored blossoms. This culinary herb grows well in the garden or in pots inside the house. If planted outside, the silver thyme will keep its green leaves throughout the winter months, especially in milder climates.

    Archer's Gold

    • Many gardeners use archer's gold lemon thyme as a border edging. This compact plant is also good as groundcover. The plant grows with tiny yellow-edged leaves that are good used in soups and stews. Enjoy the lavender-colored flowers when the plant blooms in June and July. Plant your archer's gold in the garden or in a pot. This cultivar of thyme grows well in zones 6 through 9. You can still enjoy this evergreen plant in the fall and winter months with the bright-colored foliage. Plant seedlings from the garden shop in full sun and in well-drained soil.