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The Best Time to Plant Sunflowers

Sunflowers fill the garden with bright, happy-seeming yellow and brown faces. These tall flowers thrive when planted from April to June, according to the Thomas Jefferson Agricultural Institute.
  1. Frost

    • Frost damages newly planted and established sunflowers. Wait until after the threat of frost has passed before planting sunflowers, according to the Old Fashioned Living website.


    • Sunflowers grow best when planted in warm soils, according to the National Gardening Association website. Dig up the soil to ensure the soil is warm about 1 inch below the surface, the ideal depth for planting sunflower seeds.


    • After the threat of frost passes, plant sunflowers anytime through June. Sunflowers grow quickly, typically reaching harvest two months after planting, when planted in ideal conditions.


    • If drought commonly occurs in the summer months, consider planting Mexican varieties of sunflower, recommends the National Gardening Association. Mexican sunflowers often feature orange to crimson-edged faces, adding some variety to the sunflower garden.