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When to Gather Sunflower Seeds?

Requiring about four months between planting and harvesting, sunflowers provide gardeners with telltale signs when harvesting should occur. However, the suggested harvesting times do not always guarantee seeds ready for eating at harvest.
  1. Considerations

    • Sunflower seeds can be left on the flower until they take on a brown tint, indicating dryness. If birds should start eating on the flower, you can wrap the flower head in cheesecloth. Another harvesting method used for sunflower seeds often provides faster drying. This method involves cutting off the sunflower, rubbing to remove seeds and roasting the seeds to dry them out.


    • The seeds of the sunflower are ready for gathering when the back of the flower turns a yellow much duller than the sunflower's petals. The seeds often still contain moisture at this time and will need drying time before storage.

    Time Frame

    • Sunflowers reach full seed maturity 120 to 130 days following the planting date. If the planting occurs during April or May, you may start harvesting in late August and September.