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Nutrients Needed to Grow Sunflowers

Sunflowers are a favored crop of gardeners all over the United States, because these hardy flowers are able to grow in almost any soil type. However, sunflowers do not grow as large when planted in poor soil with little nutrients. Sunflowers require the same nutrients as most other flowers in order to grow healthily.
  1. Nitrogen

    • Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients that sunflowers need, as nitrogen primarily determines the health level of the soil. Nitrogen results from decaying organic matter entering the soil. Bacteria living in the soil then convert the nitrogen into nitrates and ammonium, which the sunflower absorbs through the roots. Ammonium and nitrates encourage overall plant growth and health.


    • Phosphates enter the soil as the result of eroded rock or fertilizer. Many fertilizers include phosphates. Upon entering the soil, the phosphates dissolve and become ionized before being absorbed by the sunflower. Phosphates are important for growing sunflowers because they help the sunflower with the photosynthesis process. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants obtain energy from the sun in order to produce sugar. This sugar is converted within the plant into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which the plant uses as energy to grow. Without phosphates, healthy photosynthesis cannot occur.


    • Potassium, which is commonly added to fertilizers, is another key nutrient sunflowers require. Potassium is classified as a macronutrient because it is one of the nutrients that sunflowers use the largest amount of. Potassium is absorbed through the roots of the sunflower and assists in moving water, other nutrients and carbohydrates through the tissue of the plant. In a study published in "Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems: Volume 28," researchers found that sunflowers that had access to high amounts of potassium produced more sunflower seeds than those with little potassium in the soil.

    Other Nutrients

    • Manganese and magnesium are two other nutrients that promote optimum growth in sunflowers. These nutrients can be added to any soil, though it is advised to have your soil tested to see if it already contains these nutrients. Manganese and magnesium aid the plant in photosynthesis.