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Can Molded Sunflower Seeds Grow?

Seed storage is crucial when it comes to ensuring the success of your crop. Seeds that have grown mold won't germinate and can spread fungus in your garden and greenhouse. Molded seeds can also infect other seeds, rendering them unusable. Only sunflower seeds that have been kept dry will grow.
  1. Aeration

    • Seeds that are moldy were likely not kept dry. Seeds need to be stored in cool, dry places with lots of airflow. Airtight containers, for example, encourage mold development. For best results, store raw seeds in a cloth bag.

    Saving Seed

    • Allow the seeds to remain on the head of the sunflower for as long as possible. Seeds will get plenty of airflow and dry out while on the plant. Wrap the head of the sunflower in cheesecloth if birds are consuming the seeds. Seeds drop from the head of the sunflower when the disk at the back of the flower has turned dark brown. Remove the seeds by hand or rub two heads together over a bowl to catch the falling seeds. Spread them on a screen in a single layer in a dry, well-ventilated location before storing.

    Seed Storage

    • Seeds must be stored dry. Place seeds in mesh bags, aerated containers or envelopes. Label canisters with the seed type, date and variety. Store in a cool, dry location to discourage mold.


    • Plant sunflower seeds in late spring, when ground temperatures have risen. Cover seedlings with 1 inch of soil and keep moist. Seeds will germinate in five to 10 days. Sunflowers need warm soil and plenty of sun. You can plant sunflower in poor soil to increase soil health and break up clay particles.