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How Much Sunlight Do Sunflowers Need?

The flower commonly called the sunflower, is a very tall plant with a large head of dark seeds and yellow petals. Exposure to sunlight is required for it to thrive.

  1. About the Sunflower

    • Native to the Americas, the common sunflower, Helianthus annuus is an annual in the Aster family. In addition to the common sunflower, and other annual varieties, there are also a number of perennial plants in the genus Helianthus.

    Amount of Sun Needed

    • Sunflowers need a lot of sun to grow, but they also need some shade. It is ideal if you plant them in a spot where they can get at least six to eight hours of morning and early afternoon sun and some afternoon shade.


    • In addition to plenty of sun, it is important to make sure that sunflowers get just enough water. Make sure that you don't over-water them. Fertilizer is not necessary since sunflowers thrive in poor soil, but they do need plenty of space.


    • Because the sunflowers' stems will sometimes grow to 9 inches and the flower heads can reach a diameter of 10 to 12 inches, the plants often get top-heavy and require some support, like a fence or a wall.

    Other Sunflowers

    • If you don't have a lot of room, look for some of the dwarf varieties of sunflower. Some of them will only grow to a height of 2 feet.

    Fun Fact

    • The head of a sunflower will gradually turn to follow the sun.