Home Garden

How to Grow Strawberries in NFT Hydroponics

Grow your own strawberry patch in the comfort of your home with a Nutrient Film Technique hydroponics system. Indoor water gardening has fewer problems with diseases from pathogens present in soil. An NFT system is a basic system for beginners, has small space requirements and does not require a soilless medium for growing. NFT hydroponic systems have small containers that hold the plant roots directly into the nutrient water.

Things You'll Need

  • Refrigerator
  • Plastic zipper-seal bag
  • Hydroponics nutrients
  • pH test kit
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Grow lights
  • Soft brush
  • Fan
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      Place the strawberry sprigs in a plastic zipper-sealed bag and put them in a refrigerator for about 12 weeks to create a winter simulation that forces growth.

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      Assemble the NFT hydroponics system two to three days before you want to plant the strawberry sprigs. Fill the system with water and turn on the pump to make sure the system is working. Let the water warm to room temperature before planting.

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      Add hydroponic nutrients to the water two days before planting the strawberries. Follow the application recommendations on the package based on the amount of water moving through the system.

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      Test the water pH the day before planting to verify it has an acidic range of 5.5 to 5.8 for growing strawberries. Adjust the pH lower by adding a phosphoric acid treatment available at garden-supply stores.

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      Place strawberry springs into the NFT netted pots so the roots hang into the water reservoir and the leaves are above the pot. Set the pots 12 to 18 inches apart for best results.

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      Place a grow-light system over the hydroponics unit to provide about 12 hours of daylight for strawberry production. Set the lights 8 inches from the top of the plants, and raise the unit as they grow taller.

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      Pollinate the plants once the flowers open by brushing them lightly with a soft brush. Spread the pollen throughout the plants by depositing it with the brush. Place a household fan on the low setting and set it near the hydroponics unit to help blow the pollen.