Home Garden

DIY Strawberry Tower

Growing your own fruits and vegetables can be rewarding. An easy plant to grow at home is a strawberry vine. The plant is low maintenance, and certain varieties will have you enjoying strawberries all summer long. The plant can take up quite a bit of space, since it is a vine. The alternative to traditional raised garden beds is to grow strawberry plants in a tower. Strawberry towers allow gardeners to grow multiple plants in a small space. Make one at home with easy-to-find materials and start planning your strawberry recipes.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 buckets, 5 gallons
  • Pliers
  • Tape measure
  • Hacksaw
  • Sandpaper hand drill
  • 2-inch-diameter circle drill bit
  • Spray paint
  • 30-by-36-inch sheet of lining material, such as garden cover, weed cloth or burlap
  • 4 clothes pins
  • Potting soil with fertilizer
  • Pocket knife
  • 30 strawberry plants
  • Garden hose
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    • 1

      Remove the handles from two 5-gallon buckets, using pliers. Holding the bucket between your knees can help secure it while you remove the handle.

    • 2

      Measure 1/2 inch from the bottom of one bucket and mark it. Do this in multiple spots around the bucket. Draw a line around the bottom of the bucket to link all the marks. This line should be right above the bottom of the bucket.

    • 3

      Measure 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the second bucket. Follow the instructions in Step 2 to mark it.

    • 4

      Place the first bucket on a work surface. Use a hacksaw to cut on the line you made in Step 2. Place the second bucket on the work surface and saw on the line you made in Step 3.

    • 5

      Sand the cut edges of both buckets with sandpaper to eliminate any rough edges or plastic shavings.

    • 6

      Place the shorter bucket on the floor with the bottom facing up. Place the taller bucket on top of the short bucket. They should fit together snugly. Twist the top bucket to secure the two together. If they are too tight, re-file the edges of the short bucket. Take the buckets apart after you ensure they fit together securely.

    • 7

      Select a spot near the top of the buckets under the rim for a 2-inch hole. Mark the hole. Create three tiers of holes randomly spaced at least 4 inches apart. The top tier will have five or six holes, the middle will have four or five, and the bottom tier will have two holes. Mark both buckets this way.

    • 8

      Use a drill with a 2-inch circle bit to cut out the holes. Run sandpaper over the holes to remove plastic shavings and rough edges.

    • 9

      Spray paint each of the buckets separately and let dry according to the instructions on the can.

    • 10

      Place the short bucket rim down on the ground. Place the tall bucket rim up on top of the short bucket. Twist to snugly fit together.

    • 11

      Line the tower with lining material. Overlap the ends of the material where they meet and clip with a clothespin. Use the other clothespins to secure the top of the material to ensure it does not fall into the bucket when you fill it with soil.

    • 12

      Place the tower in a spot it will be permanently. You will not be able to move it after you fill it with dirt.

    • 13

      Pour soil slowly into the tower. Stop periodically to pat the soil down to compact it. Fill the tower to 2 inches under the rim. Remove the clothespins. Fill all the way to the top of the tower's rim.

    • 14

      Cut a slit in the lining inside each hole with a pocket knife. Reach into the hole with your fingers to stretch the lining material. Hollow out a small hole in the soil while you reach into the tower.

    • 15

      Place a strawberry plant in the hole. Pack the soil around the plant. Do this for each hole in the tower. Place the final plants in the top of the tower.

    • 16

      Water the tower after all the strawberries are in place.