Home Garden

Strawberry Varieties That Are Small and Sweet

Because the plants take up little space and produce fruits quickly, strawberries are a good choice for home gardeners. In addition, strawberries are a healthy, sweet fruit, rich in vitamin C and ellagic acid, a cancer-preventing compound. The sweet flavor and versatility of the strawberries, particularly the small varieties, also contribute to the fruits' popularity, as they are commonly used in desserts, jams and jellies.
  1. Alpine

    • For more than three centuries, alpine strawberries (Fragaria vesca) have been grown in the United States, Thomas Jefferson noting in his gardening records about the planting of this variety at Monticello in 1774. These minute strawberries will not produce sizable yields like larger varieties, but they are known for their sweet, delicious flavor. Available varieties of alpine strawberries include the red-colored Alexandria, Baron Solemacher, Charles V, Mignonette and Rugen berries, as well as the creamy-white and yellow Alpine White, Alpine Yellow, Bush White and Pineapple Crush.

    Day Neutral

    • Developed in the 1960s, day-neutral strawberries have a much shorter history than the alpine varieties, but because they do not rely on the day length to set flower buds, these plants produce fruit continuously throughout the growing season. Day-neutral strawberries come in a range of sizes, including varieties producing small fruits such as Tristar, which has an excellent flavor and freezes well. Tribute, another day-neutral variety, produces small- to medium-sized fruit also known for its flavor.

    Ever Bearing

    • Strawberry growers should not be misled by the name given to ever-bearing varieties. Despite their name, these strawberry plants do not produce a continuous crop like the day-neutral types. Rather, they bear fruit two or three times during the growing season, typically in the late spring or early summer, and then again in the late summer or early fall. Two ever-bearing strawberry varieties that produce small fruit with good flavor are Quinalt and Tillicum. Quinalt plants offer a large June harvest and a smaller yield in the autumn, whereas Tillicum berries can be harvested from June through the fall.

    June Bearing

    • June-bearing strawberry varieties produce only one crop per growing season. Depending on your growing zone, the strawberries may be harvested in June or a bit earlier or later. Most June-bearing strawberries are larger than the alpine, day-neutral and ever-bearing varieties; however, the Earliglow variety produces smaller fruit with an excellent flavor that makes this strawberry is very good choice for dessert making. Earliglow plants do well planted in raised beds and offer good disease resistance.