Home Garden

How to Keep Ants and Slugs Out of Strawberries

Growing strawberries in your home garden can be fun. This hardy shrub thrives in a wide variety of rich, well-drained soil to produce sweet, heart-shaped berries. However, several pests, including ants and slugs, can get to the strawberries before you and ruin their flavor. If left unattended, these pests can consume and ruin entire patches of ripening strawberries. Deter ants and slugs from destroying strawberries by using preventative measures and incorporating organic controls. This will also ensure that your strawberries are insecticide-free and safe for consumption.

Things You'll Need

  • Hanging basket
  • Copper barrier foil
  • Stale beer
  • Repellent plants: tansy, catnip, peppermint, spearmint pennyroyal and sage
  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Vinegar or lemon juice sprays
  • Spray bottle
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  1. Ant Control

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      Plant ant-repellent plants such as tansy, catnip, peppermint, spearmint pennyroyal and sage around strawberry patches as a barrier to deter ants. Also tear a few leaves of these plants and sprinkle them over the strawberry patch.

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      Sprinkle diatomaceous earth over ant-infested strawberry patches. Diatomaceous earth is prepared from the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton, and cuts through the exoskeleton of ants when it attaches to their body and kills them.

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      Mix a 50-50 solution of water and vinegar or lemon juice and spray it over your strawberry patch to repel ants, using a spray bottle.

    Slug Control

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      Plant strawberries in a hanging basket. This will prevent slugs from infesting and destroying them.

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      Wrap copper barrier foil around strawberry planting beds and boxes to repel slugs. The copper in the barrier foil reacts with the slimy secretion produced by the slug. This causes the slug to have a nervous system disruption similar to an electric shock, which deters it from attacking the strawberries.

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      Fill a small cup with stale beer and place it in slug-infested strawberry patches. The slugs will be attracted to the beer and will drown.