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Are Ozark Beauty Strawberries Resistant to Powdery Mildew?

"Ozark Beauty" strawberries are ever-bearing plants that produce strawberries in the early summer and late fall months. These vigorously growing strawberry plants produce large, deep red strawberries in abundant quantities. Though resistant to scorch and leaf spot diseases, Ozark beauty strawberries are susceptible to most strawberry diseases. Still, it is unknown if these strawberries are completely resistant to powdery mildew infections and it is best to take steps to prevent the disease.
  1. Powdery Mildew

    • Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that infects the strawberry plant's foliage, fruit and stems. The spores of this fungal disease lie dormant on dead and dying debris around the strawberry plant and are transported by wind onto the healthy areas of the plant.


    • The infected strawberry plant develops thin layers of powdery white mildew underneath its leaves. Newly developing foliage becomes distorted while older leaves curl and wilt from the infection. Infected strawberry plants develop distorted blooms and berries, and severely infected plants often fail to bloom and produce.


    • Powdery mildew infections can cause permanent injury to the strawberry plant. To prevent injury, the infected strawberry plant must be treated immediately. Trim away severely infected foliage, fruit and stems. Spray the strawberry plant with a fungicidal spray designed for strawberry powdery mildew infections. Always follow the fungicidal spray's packaging instructions closely to prevent chemical injury to the plant.


    • The fact that the Ozark beauty strawberry's disease resistance to powdery mildew is unknown means there is potential for infection. To prevent potential infections, inspect this strawberry plant regularly for signs of infection. Look for layers of mildew on the underside of the foliage, distorted and curled leaves and loss of vigor. Treat the Ozark strawberry plant regularly with fungicidal treatments. Irrigate the plant at soil level to keep the foliage dry.