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What Chemicals Are Used in Hydroponic Strawberries?

Hydroponic strawberries are grown with their roots bathed in a nutrient-rich solution. This liquid provides them with everything they need in order to grow and produce fruit; and if done properly, results in plants that can grow as much as 25 percent faster than those planted in soil. The main concern is that the liquid nutrients fed to the plants must contain the right nutrients in the right quantities, and the pH level of the water must be at the proper level for best results.
  1. Macronutrients

    • Macronutrients are those nutrients that the growing strawberries require in relatively large quantities. Some of these are naturally provided by the air and water, normally carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. In order to provide the rest of the macronutrients, the necessary elements must be added to the water used to feed the plants in the system. These nutrients are potassium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorous and nitrogen.


    • Plants need eight nutrients in small quantities, referred to as micronutrients. These must be present in any solution used to grow hydroponic strawberries, but are only needed in trace amounts. The micronutrients are molybnenum, iron, chlorine, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc and copper. If these elements are not included in the hydroponic nutrient mix given to the strawberries, the plants will sicken, fail to grow properly and may die.

    pH Balance

    • The pH balance of the nutrient solution is important for the success of hydroponically growing strawberries. If the water is too acidic or too alkaline, the plants won’t grow well and in many cases they will die. Growing plants in a hydroponic system can cause the pH balance of the nutrient solution to change, so it is important to check the pH often, preferably on a daily basis. Strawberries prefer slightly acidic conditions, and a pH of 5.8 to 6.2 is best. If the pH is too high, phosphoric acid can be added to lower it. If the pH is too low, potassium hydroxide can be added to raise it.


    • Some hydroponic gardeners prefer to use standardized chemicals to create the appropriate nutrient mixture while others use only organic compounds. Both types of nutrients will work in hydroponic gardening, but organic mixtures can be harder to measure and to keep consistent. Some good commercial products offer both types of nutrients. It is possible to try both kinds of nutrients, and then stick with the one that seems to work best.