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Herbicides for Strawberries

Weed control in strawberry plants is important because it extends the productive life of the plants. Recommended herbicides for strawberries include DCPA, paraquat, simazine, napropamide and sethoxydim. If not controlled in time, weeds start to compete with the strawberry plants for minerals, water and sunlight. Weeds also increase pressure on the strawberry plants from nematodes, disease and insects, and affect harvest efficacy because it is difficult to see strawberries that weeds conceal.

  1. DCPA

    • DCPA, or dacthal, is a pre-emergent herbicide for strawberry plants. The herbicide can be safely used on actively growing strawberry plants, but has to be applied before weeds appear. Alhough the herbicide is approved for use with strawberries, there are certain regions in which it is considered unsuitable. In western Washington, for example, the herbicide is not recommended because of a greater probability of fruit injury. DCPA is sometimes not effective on certain species of strawberry plants, or could be inappropriate for the environmental conditions in the area.


    • Simazine, or princep, is a highly effective herbicide for the control of a number of grasses and broadleaf weeds, such as annual bluegrass, fireweed, common chickweed, black nightshade, smartweed and wild mustard. Simazine is recommended for use only on the fully established strawberry plants. Simazine is also a pre-emergent herbicide, and should be applied before weeds appear. When using Simazine, take care to apply it only once during the season. Also, do not use in spring right before the harvest and do not use excessively on sandy, loose or coarse ground.


    • Sethoxydim, or poast, is used to effectively control a number of perennial grasses and annual weeds. The herbicide can be used on growing weeds. The recommended application time is during the optimal growth stage of weeds. Take care not to apply within a week of fruit harvest. The herbicide can be applied over the top of the strawberry plants.