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How to Make Your Own Strawberry Pot

Strawberry pots are usually terra cotta or some other type of clay pot that is tall and has several small tray openings for plants around the sides of the pot. Unless you are a master potter, chances are you will not have much luck crafting one of these vessels on your own. You can still make a hanging strawberry pot that will grow up to 8 lbs. of red, luscious strawberries free of slugs and snails.

Things You'll Need

  • Peat moss
  • Water
  • 14-inch wire basket
  • Potting mix
  • Hydrogel crystals
  • Slow-release fertilizer
  • 4 strawberry plants


    • 1

      Soak the peat moss in water for a few minutes. Line the inside of the wire basket with layers of moist peat moss.

    • 2

      Moisten the potting mix with water. Soak 1/2 tsp. of hydrogel crystals per quart of potting mix in water to moisten. They will absorb water and look like 1/2-inch chunks of clear gelatin.

    • 3

      Mix the hydrogel crystals into the potting mix. Fill the peat-lined wire basket with the potting mix to the level that the strawberry plants will be set into the soil.

    • 4

      Sprinkle 2 tsp. of slow-release fertilizer on top of the mix. You can use a synthetic controlled-release fertilizer or choose an organic product such as blood meal, soybean meal or fish emulsion. Organic fertilizers will release the nutrients into the soil much quicker than a synthetic one. It may be necessary to re-treat more often.

    • 5

      Arrange four strawberry plants around the sides of the basket. Fill around the plants with potting mix. The crown of the plants should be level with the potting mix. Do not compact the potting mix.

    • 6

      Water the strawberry pot as necessary to keep the soil from drying out. The soil should feel moist all the way through.