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Mulching for Strawberry Plants

Growing your own strawberries can be a rewarding and tasty experience. Strawberry plants are fairly easy to grow, once you've armed yourself with a few facts about their care needs. One very important thing about strawberry plants is their need for good winter care. These plants are susceptible to cold injury and can die if you do not provide them with adequate protection over the winter. Mulching strawberries is a must if you live anywhere that experiences frosts.

Things You'll Need

  • Hay or straw


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      Purchase (or gather, if you live on a farm) hay or straw to use as the mulch. Yard debris, such as grass clippings and weeds, aren't recommended because they are too dense and will potentially smother the plant, according to strawberryplants.com.

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      Spread the mulch around and over your strawberry plants in late fall or early winter (depending on your region's temperature) when temperatures start dipping toward below the freezing point. Purdue University Extension suggests adding mulch before temperatures drop below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Use at least a 2-inch layer of mulch over the plants, as suggested by strawberryplants.com. The University of Illinois Extension recommends using up to 4 inches of mulch on and around the strawberry plants. Leave the mulch on the plants all winter to protect plants from the elements. Add replacement mulch if any blows away, exposing the plant.

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      Check on the strawberry plants when the weather begins to warm in the spring. Remove the mulch over the plant when the plant starts growing again. Keep the mulch close by (preferably between the strawberry plants) to use again in case of a frost warning.