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The Best Time to Plant Fall Strawberries

Strawberries grow on low-growing plants that can spread quickly and cover an entire plot. Strawberries require different planting times and care in different parts of the country.

  1. Fall Plantings

    • According to Strawberry-Recipes.com, fall plantings are only viable for gardeners who live in warm regions. In colder regions, gardeners should plant strawberries in spring, to protect them from cold winter temperatures.


    • According to the Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension website, fall plantings should take place in October to mid-November. The Alabama Cooperative Extension concurs, noting that successful plantings take place in September and October.

    Frost Dates

    • Ideal fall strawberry plantings should coincide with the first frost in the area. This timing allows strawberries to take advantage of warmth still left in the soil, and establish themselves before any serious winter weather arrives.


    • Regardless of the season, the best timing for strawberry planting is a day that is cool, cloudy and slightly moist. This kind of weather keeps the young seedlings from the shock of hot, dry temperatures.