Home Garden

My Strawberry Plants are Turning Brown

Strawberry plants are a great choice for home gardeners, allowing for a constant supply of ripe, fresh strawberries. If your strawberry plants are turning brown, the culprit is most likely a fungus.

  1. Identification

    • Strawberry leaf scorch is caused by a fungus and is one of the most common strawberry plant diseases in North America. This disease causes strawberry plants to turn brown and can end up destroying the plant.


    • In some cases, leaf-scorched plants can still grow and produce fruit but to a lesser extent than a healthy plant. The disease weakens the strawberry plant so it is more susceptible to death by extreme temperatures or drought.

    Other Causes

    • Manganese and iron deficiencies in strawberry plants can also result in leaf color changes and these leaves can appear yellowish and eventually turn brown.