Home Garden

How to Build a Strawberry Pot

Strawberries can be grown in jars, barrels or towers with openings in the sides of the container. When the mother plants multiply by producing runners, you can place the runners into new holes in the container. You can create a strawberry pot quickly and simply using a few basic items.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 plastic 5-gallon buckets
  • Pliers
  • Tape measure
  • Marker pen
  • Hacksaw
  • Sandpaper
  • Drill
  • Spade bit, 2-inch diameter
  • Length of burlap, 30-by-36 inches
  • Clothespins
  • Potting soil with time-release fertilizer pellets
  • ¼ inch soaker hose


    • 1

      Remove the metal handles from the buckets, using pliers. Draw a line around the bottom of one of the buckets at a point ½ inch away from the bottom.

    • 2

      Remove the bottom of the bucket by sawing on the marked line with the hack saw.

    • 3

      Mark a line around the bottom of the second bucket at a point 1 inch to 1 ½ inches from the bottom of the bucket. Remove the bottom of the second bucket at this line. The second bucket should be ½ inch to 1 inch shorter than the first bucket. Smooth the bottom of each bucket with sandpaper.

    • 4

      Drill 2-inch-diameter holes in staggered rows over both buckets. Space the holes 4 inches apart in rows that are also spaced 4 inches apart. Do not make the bottom rows of holes within 2 inches of the bottoms of the buckets. Sand each hole to smooth the edges.

    • 5

      Stand up the shorter bucket bottom. Place the taller bucket bottom into the hole in the bottom of the shorter bucket. If the taller bucket will not fit into the shorter bucket, shorten the bucket further by cutting another ½ inch away from the bottom of the bucket and sanding the surface smooth. Twist the stacked buckets together so they fit snugly.

    • 6

      Line the bucket tower with burlap. Hold the burlap in place with clothespins while you work.

    • 7

      Run a soaker hose into the center of the strawberry container. Anchor the hose at ground level. Fill the container with potting soil around the hose. Pat the soil as you go to help it settle.