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How Much Water Do Strawberry Plants Need?

Strawberry plants typically require 1 inch of water per week during periods of dry weather. This helps to ensure that the plants will continue to produce an adequate crop the following season.

  1. Types

    • Strawberry plants come in three classifications: everbearing, day neutral and June bearing. Everbearing plants produce two large crops each year. Day neutral plants produce a more consistent crop throughout the season. June-bearing plants produce one early crop, typically in July.

    Planting Considerations

    • Plant June-bearing plants two feet apart in rows that are approximately four feet apart. Everbearing and day-neutral plants should be planted in hills that are located one foot apart. For best results, purchase plants that have been certified disease- and insect-free.

    Harvesting Considerations

    • During peak season, ripe strawberries should be harvested every other day. Leaving rotted fruit on the vine is not recommended. For berries that are to be consumed immediately, pick the berries when ripe, leaving the caps on the vine. Otherwise, pick pink strawberries with caps still attached. Allow them to ripen naturally over the course of a few days.