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Can You Plant Strawberry Seeds Directly Into the Ground?

Strawberries are usually grown from plants propagated from runners or divisions, but some people grow strawberries from seed. Some species of strawberry must be started from seed since they cannot be propagated by dividing plants or from runners.

  1. Germination

    • Strawberry seeds require light to germinate. They should be planted on the surface and lightly pressed into the soil, but not covered. The seeds can be planted indoors using well drained pots, or outdoors after all danger of frost has passed. The seeds will germinate after 14 to 21 days if kept evenly moist. Plant seeds outdoors in spring or early fall.

    Growing Out

    • Remove all flowers the first season before they set fruit, directing plant energy into growth and winter hardiness. Although each plant might produce a few berries the first year, the plants will make better use of the energy surviving the winter and producing many berries the following year.

    Growing Fruit

    • Plants will produce their best crop the second and third summers and begin to decline thereafter. Propagate your own strawberry plants using the runners produced by the plants or start more from seed each year.


    • Alpine strawberries must be grown from seed as they cannot be divided and do not produce runners to start new plants. Some day-neutral cultivars that produce continuously do not produce runners either and must be propagated by division.