Home Garden

Strawberry Plant Holder

Strawberries proliferate in backyard gardens or in pots or containers on decks and windowsills. Plant holders for strawberries come in different sizes and materials.

  1. Wooden Holders

    • Wooden plant holders display strawberry plants in a rustic way that complements many decors and environments. You can custom-build wooden strawberry planter boxes at home or purchase them at nurseries or garden centers.

    Clay & Ceramic Types

    • Holders of this variety frequently have designs painted on the exterior to add color and variety to garden landscapes. They come in styles to accommodate one or several strawberry plants.

    Container Design

    • Since strawberries thrive best in airy and wet environments, strawberry containers are designed to promote these conditions. Wooden holders are commonly constructed in pyramid or tree shapes that expose the vines of plants at different levels. Ceramic and clay designs have shelved openings in the sides of the pot to allow the vines to meander through them for maximum air and moisture exposure.