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How to Fertilize Strawberries in Containers

Container grown strawberries provide the benefits of a small-fruit crop without the need for a large garden bed. Strawberry plants are small enough to thrive in large ground-based planters or smaller hanging baskets. Potted plants require regular fertilization as the limited soil base retains few nutrients. Frequent watering, a necessity for outdoor potted plants, washes out nutrients in the soil, so any fertilization treatment requires periodic reapplication to ensure the strawberries receive the necessary elements for healthy fruiting.

Things You'll Need

  • Slow-release fertilizer
  • Soluble fertilizer


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      Mix a balanced slow-release fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 fertilizer blend, with the potting soil prior to filling the container. The amount of fertilizer depends on the size of your container and is indicated on the fertilizer label. Fertilizing before planting the strawberries supplies the necessary nutrients through the berry-producing season.

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      Apply a soluble fertilizer after the berry harvest. Dilute a water-soluble balanced fertilizer in a gallon water at the rate recommended on the package for your container size. Water the strawberries with the diluted fertilizer mixture every two weeks until the plants begin to prepare for dormancy in September.

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      Water the strawberries with clear water until excess moisture drains from the bottom of the pots between the fertilizer applications. Strawberries suffer damage from fertilizer salt buildup in the soil, so thorough watering is necessary to wash out the excess fertilizer salts.