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Can Strawberries Be Planted in Pots Like Mums?

Strawberries are an easy-to-grow summer treat that can be grown in containers, much like perennial or annual flowers. June-bearing strawberries fruit in abundance in early summer. Ever-bearing plants bloom twice during the summer; however, these plants usually produce smaller, less abundant fruit. To avoid diseases that sometimes plague strawberries, be sure to buy plants from a nursery and use fresh potting soil.

  1. Site Conditions

    • Basic needs for strawberry growing are excellent soil drainage and full sun. Most potting soils purchased at a nursery drain well, but drainage can be improved if needed by mixing in sand or compost. Growing strawberries in a planter helps greatly with drainage, because the planter is like a miniature raised bed. In a mixed container, plant strawberries with lettuce, spinach, parsley, thyme, chives or pansies. These are companion plants; they require the same cultivation practices and benefit one another's health.


    • Fresh potting soil should always be used when planting strawberries in pots. From year to year, at least half the soil should be changed out for fresh mix. A low-nitrogen fertilizer should be mixed into the soil when planting, as well as compost if needed. The strawberry plant should sit so that the crown -- the part where the leaves meet the roots -- is level with the soil surface. Planting too high or too low causes problems with plant health.

    Care and Maintenance

    • Strawberries require little care through the growing season. The most important is providing adequate water -- the fruit quality is easily hurt by lack of water. A month after planting, a side dressing of balanced fertilizer can be applied, with another application in late August or early September. Pinching off early flowers allows the plant to develop and produce larger and more fruit. For winter protection, plants can be mulched or brought indoors.

    Planter Types

    • Any type of flower pot or small container can be used, including clay, ceramic, plastic or wood. There must be a hole in the bottom of the pot for drainage. Self-watering containers have a refillable water reservoir in the bottom to make quality watering easier. Some pots, called pocket planters or strawberry pots, are especially suited for strawberries, with several holes along the sides of a larger pot, just the size for a strawberry plant in each.