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How to Care for Miniature Potted Roses in the House

Small, delicate flowers and dwarf growth habit make miniature roses ideal for growing in pots in the house. You can find these tiny roses in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, purple, lavender and pink, with numerous shades of each color available. Grow miniature roses, Rosa chinensis 'Minima,' in a container in a sunny area of your house or other indoor space. Growing miniature roses indoors successfully requires the right moisture levels, nutrition and light, as well as good potting mix and a suitable pot.

Things You'll Need

  • Potting soil
  • Peat moss
  • Fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
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      Use a pot 1-to-2 inches wider than the nursery pot and 6 or more inches deep. Check the bottom to make sure it has holes for drainage.

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      Fill the pot with a mix of equal parts peat moss and potting soil. Make a hole in the center large enough for the root ball of your miniature rose.

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      Slide the miniature rose out of the nursery pot and place it in the center of the new pot. Position it so the base of the stalk is level with the soil line. Fill in around the roots and press the soil mix down gently with your fingertips.

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      Water the newly planted rose until liquid seeps from the holes in the bottom of the pot. Let the miniature rose drain thoroughly.

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      Place your miniature rose in a spot that gets at least five-to-six hours of sun a day. A south-facing window works well in winter when light levels tend to be lower. Keep the temperature between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit to encourage strong, healthy growth.

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      Fertilize your potted miniature rose once a month. Use a fertilizer designed for roses and follow the directions on the package label.

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      Feel the top inch of the soil. When it feels dry, soak the pot with cool water. Allow the miniature rose to drain and then return it to its regular position.

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      Prune miniature roses in the spring. Prune to a desired shape and size and remove dead wood.