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What Has a Better Rose Form, Moondance or White Licorice?

Introduced in 2007, "Moondance" (Rosa "Moondance"), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant hardiness zones 5b to 10, is a floribunda rose with white flowers that sometimes have a pink blush. "White Licorice" (Rosa "White Licorice"), hardy in USDA zones 6b through 9b, is another floribunda and was introduced in the United States in 2011. Its flowers are white to very pale yellow. Judgments about form are subjective, although comparing the two roses' parentage and award history is a way to help differentiate these roses.
  1. Floribunda Form

    • In appearance, the floribunda flower form is similar to that of hybrid tea roses. The buds are tightly closed and pointed at the ends. The flowers can be single, with five to nine petals apiece, or double. Double forms, however, such as those of "Moondance" and "White Licorice," are more frequent. When fully open, the flowers have a reasonably symmetrical, rounded appearance. Floribundas differ from hybrid teas in that the flowers generally appear in clusters atop tall stems rather than as single blooms.

    Award History

    • All-America Rose Selections (AARS) is a rose-industry trade group that selects an outstanding rose or rose every year for its AARS Winners designation. The award is based on numerous criteria, and bud, cluster and flower form are among them. In 2007, "Moondance" was one of three roses to be named an AARS winner. It was the only floribunda honored in that year. In 2010, "White Licorice" won the gold medal at the Rose Hills International Rose Trials, where roses are judged on appearance -- including form -- and overall garden performance.


    • Good form runs in families. One of "White Licorice's" parent roses is "Singing in the Rain" (Rosa "Singing in the Rain"), a floribunda hardy in USDA zones 6b through 9b. In 1995, it won a gold medal from England's Royal National Rose Society (RNRS); the determination was based partly on form. A parent of "Moondance" is the famous white rose "Iceberg" (Rosa "Iceberg"), hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9. "Iceberg" won the RNRS gold medal in 1958 and was inducted into the World Federation of Rose Societies' Hall of Fame in 1983.


    • Both "White Licorice" and "Moondance" feature the high-centered blooms typical of floribundas. Both have won a prestigious American award based at least partly on form. Neither has been on the commercial market long enough to have garnered comments on form in rose reference books. In its 2011 "Handbook for Selecting Roses," the American Rose Society rated "Moondance" as "a good rose," defined as "a little to somewhat above average." The rating is more reflective of overall garden performance than form. "White Licorice" was not yet rated. The two varieties appear to be roughly equal in quality of form.