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How Fast Do Robin Hood Roses Grow?

"Robin Hood" roses (Rosa "Robin Hood") are shrub roses in the hybrid musk category. Introduced in the first third of the 20th century, they are known for their fragrance, repeat blooming habit and hardiness. "Robin Hood" is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6b through 10b. Its growth rate depends on a number of factors, including culture, climate and weather, and own-root status. Hybrid musk roses reach mature size within two to four years of planting.
  1. Description

    • Growing 4 to 5 feet tall, with a slightly wider spread, "Robin Hood" has a relaxed, upright habit. The shrub bears clusters of small, fragrant single blooms in shades of dark rose with leaves that are relatively small and medium to dark green. Like other hybrid musks, "Robin Hood" is relatively shade tolerant and can get by on somewhat less than the normal six hours of direct sun per day. While shade tolerance is a desirable trait, plants receiving more sun will most likely grow faster and bear a larger number of blooms.

    Own-Root Status

    • "Robin Hood's" growth rate is partly dependent on own-root status. A grafted "Robin Hood" rose features "Robin Hood" top growth -- the scion -- grafted onto a vigorous rootstock of another variety. Grafted plants appear bigger and grow more quickly in the first year than own-root specimens. Own-root plants are easy to recognize because they do not have the thickened area on the trunk base indicative of a graft. Although growth rates for the two types differ in the first year, own-root roses usually catch up by the second year and thereafter grow at the same rate as the grafted specimens.


    • Even vigorous roses like "Robin Hood" grow best under optimal culture conditions. These include well-drained soil that is enriched with compost or other organic material. Regular moisture is a necessity for rapid growth, especially in the first year. Mulch thoroughly to conserve soil moisture but do not allow mulch to touch the rose's base. Fertilize with a product recommended for roses but do not overfertilize, as this does not speed maturation. Encourage rebloom and the development of vigorous, bushy growth by clipping off about one-third of each flower-producing cane after the flowers have faded.


    • Give a boost to "Robin Hood's" vigorous growth habit by pairing it with plants that have similar light and moisture requirements. The rose will also grow rapidly and successfully in a large container, as long as its needs -- especially watering needs -- are met. "Robin Hood" makes a good, fast-growing hedging plant and can be used to camouflage less-than-attractive features such as hurricane fences, HVAC pumps or garden storage structures. It fits well into mixed borders containing annuals, perennials and shrubs, but it can also be used as a stand-alone specimen plant.