Home Garden

How to Turn a White Rose Blue

Roses come in many varieties and colors, including pink, red, yellow and peach. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has made it difficult to naturally grow blue roses. Dyeing white roses and turning them blue is accomplished safely with food coloring. This process is a fun project that reveals the nature of a flower's vascular system.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp scissors
  • Plastic or glass vase
  • Cool water
  • Blue food coloring


    • 1

      Cut ½ inch off the bottom of the stems on a diagonal with a pair of sharp scissors. This will allow the flowers to absorb water more effectively.

    • 2

      Fill a plastic or glass vase ¾ full of cool water. Add 10 to 20 drops of blue food coloring to the water. The more drops added, the more intense the blue color will be.

    • 3

      Arrange the white roses in the water and allow them to remain for at least 8 to 12 hours, or overnight.

    • 4

      Check on the roses the next morning. The blooms will be a light shade of blue that will darken over the next two to three days.