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New Dawn Climbing Rose Starting Tips

Gardeners who succeed in growing a garden rich in beautiful roses quickly become the envy of their gardening peers. An important component of rose gardening is choosing varieties that provide a big visual impact over a long period of time. New Dawn, a pink climber, fits the bill very nicely.

  1. Description

    • New Dawn is a vigorous climbing rose noted for its abundant soft pink flowers that appear throughout the season. The semi-glossy leaves are a rich and elegant background for the big blooms, which are loosely double. Growing 10 to 15 feet tall, this big bloomer is noted for its resistance to common rose diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot. New Dawn has the added benefits of tolerating poor soil and partial shade.

    Plant Selection

    • Choose a plant with strong canes and fresh leaves that are free from disease and insect damage. Buying premium Grade 1 plants with canes at least 3/4 inch in diameter yields better performance the first year. Canes should be firmly rooted in the pot and not lift out of the soil if tugged. When ordering bare-root roses, place the roots in water as soon as you receive them and plant them within 36 hours.

    Site Selection

    • New Dawn tolerates partial shade - at least three hours of sun - but full sun maximizes flower production. Like all roses, New Dawn requires good drainage and performs best in rich, organic soil. Mixing in composted manure or homemade compost to a depth of 18 inches enriches rose soils and provides a good balance of water retention and drainage.

    Maximizing Success

    • In the first year, careful attention should be paid to regular watering and fertilization. Always use products according to label directions. Maintaining mulch helps conserve moisture and protects tender new roots from sun damage. Watering at ground level maximizes New Dawn's disease resistance by keeping its leaves dry. As your new climber grows, use a trellis, fence or wires to maintain its tall, leggy structure and to increase sun exposure.