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How Tall do Miniature Rose Bushes Grow?

The flowers and leaves are smaller on a miniature rose than a standard rose, but some varieties can grow to 7 feet or higher. They range from the micromini types to long-caned climbing plants. Miniature roses vary in their smallness. The microminis can have flowers as small as ¼-inch across and be only 6-inches tall. Others have near-normal sized flowers and grow taller. Some have a spreading habit and are suitable as groundcovers or in hanging baskets. An array of flower colors is available.

  1. Micromini Rose Varieties

    • Micromini roses grow only 6 to 12 inches tall. Almost Perfect and Red Minimo are velvety red, while Herbie and Baby Betsy McCall are classic pinks. Cinderella is a double white with a pink blush, and Popcorn is a single white with a bright yellow center. Some variegated varieties include Charlie Brown, which is red and white, and Star Ruby, a semidouble having a red and white flower. All are very small shrubs with tiny flowers.

    Average-Sized Miniatures

    • The average miniature rose is usually somewhere between 2 and 5 feet tall. The Table Garden collection of minis has a rainbow of colors, all between about 16 and 24 inches. Some spectacular varieties are the variegated Pinstripe, Secret Recipe or Striped Delight. Sweet Revenge is a warm coral, and Salmon Sunblaze is more on the orange side. Yantai is a pale yellow with gorgeous form. Smoke Rings is a volcanic red/orange blend.

    Groundcover or Hanging Basket Roses

    • The weeping roses have a low creeping habit that makes them good groundcover roses. Groundcover roses are usually put into hanging baskets where the branches tumble over the pot's side. The Balconia roses, available in dark pink to white, have single to double blooms. Red Cascade is bright orange red, and Newly Wed is a bright white with a large yellow center. Lovely Bride is pink with English rose form.


    • Miniflora roses are too small for a standard rose but too large for a miniature. They may be sold as miniatures in some stores since miniflora is a fairly new classification. One of the most striking varieties is Memphis Magic, having a deep blood-red flower with yellow variegation. Abby's Angel, Autumn Splendor" and Autumn Bliss have warm yellow and red blended flowers. Memphis Cajun is pale yellow and mauve, and somewhat similar to the slightly pinker My Inspiration.

    Tall or Climbing Varieties

    • Some miniature roses can be tall if supported. Many of the roses listed as groundcover roses might also be called climbing roses. The multicolored Rainbow's End has shades of yellow, red, pink and orange, and can grow 12-foot canes. Linelines as a show stopper, having orangey red and white striped flowers and can get to 6 feet. Nice Day is a pretty and fragrant pink that grow to 8 feet. Orchid Jubilee is white with pink edges and has distinctive pointed petals.