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How Do I Encourage Side Growth if My Rose Vines Are Getting Long?

Rose vines are typically grown vertically along a support structure such as a trellis. Once the vines reach the top of the trellis, they may begin to grow in undesirable directions. You can prune the rose vines to encourage the plant to produce more vigorous growth horizontally through side shoots. This pruning also helps keep the plant vertical by removing excess weight.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears


    • 1

      Wait until February or March to begin trimming the rose vine to encourage side growth. This rose will be dormant but the weather will be warm enough to prevent severe frost damage to the cut portions of the vine.

    • 2

      Cut back the last year's growth at the tip of the main vertical vine. This will keep the vine length under control. Cut it at a 45-degree angle.

    • 3

      Cut all the side shoots, also known as lateral shoots, back to the last bud on the outside of the stem closest to the main stem. Make the cuts at a 45-degree angle, 1/4 inch above the last bud. This will encourage new shoots to form out of that side shoot, directing the plant's energy to horizontal growth.