Home Garden

Knock Out Roses & Landscape Ideas

Hardy, virtually disease free and easy to grow, Knock Out roses were released commercially in 2000. Growing just 3 to 4 feet high, they have since become the landscape roses of choice for many homeowners and landscape designers. Grow and care for them as you would any other flowering shrub. Give it a light pruning yearly to maintain the overall shape of the plant and to remove deadwood, and fertilize two or three times a growing season with rose food. Knock Out roses can also benefit from hard pruning in early spring, removing all of the top growth back to 12 inches above ground level.

  1. Patio Border

    • Surround your outdoor patio or terrace with a border of Sunny Knock Out roses. Their fragrant yellow flowers will perfume the air and the shrubs will define the outdoor space, creating a true outdoor room. Using a single variety of Knock Out rose creates a living border that doesn't detract from the outdoor space itself. A border planted with several colors of roses may be too loud for a relaxing outdoor space such as a patio.

    Property Line

    • Create a living fence along your property line with a row of the Double Knock Out roses, especially the border that fronts on the public sidewalk. The flowers look exactly like traditional roses in the same bright, clear shades of red as the original Knock Out rose. The thorns will deter intruders, as well as neighborhood animals, from breaching the living fence. Another option is to plant some of each of the pink varieties of Knock Out roses, including the Pink, Pink Double, Rainbow and Blushing Knock Out roses. Although the flower forms are all slightly different, their shared color will unite them and create a harmonious border.

    Rose Garden

    • Surround your traditional rose garden with a shrub border of the original variety of Knock Out rose, with cherry red to hot pink flowers. They won't detract from the beauty of the hybrid tea roses traditionally planted in rose gardens, but will carry the rose theme from inside of the garden to its borders.

    Shrub Border or Hedgerow

    • Include any and all varieties of Knock Out roses planted in a deciduous or evergreen shrub border or hedgerow. The flowers will add a pop of color during the summer, and the accompanying shrubs will serve as a backdrop for the roses. Plant the Knock Out roses in the front of the border for the best visual exposure.