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How Does Temperature Affect Photosynthesis in Roses?

Plants use sunlight to undergo photosynthesis, a process of converting light into food.

This process is crucial to the health and growth of the plant because it provides the energy to build cells. Like all other plants, roses require warm temperatures to fuel the photosynthetic processes that chemically create the sugars for energy. Temperatures can rise so high, however, that they can inhibit photosynthesis in rose plants.

  1. Temperature and Photosynthesis

    • Warm temperatures aid in photosynthesis to a certain point, then they begin to inhibit the process, causing a slowdown in the production of the sugars needed for the plant's growth, according to North Carolina State University horticulturalist Erv Evans. At high temperatures, transpiration increases to the point where more water is lost in plant cells, inhibiting photosynthesis. Growth slows to preserve this internal moisture. In rose plants, these high temperatures produce a reduction in size and color, though blooms continue on cultivars that tolerate drought conditions.

    Roses and Heat

    • Experienced rose growers have witnessed the effects of high temperatures on rose plants. In states with intense summer heat, such as Texas, Arizona and Florida, keeping roses at optimum health can create challenges. Rose blooms produced in mid to late summer are smaller and display duller colors than those that bloomed in the cooler spring temperatures, according to New Orleans Times Picayune garden columnist Dan Gill. This is due to the limiting effects of high heat on photosynthetic processes. Plant process begin to conserve the available resources.

    Roses For Hot Climates

    • Some types of roses withstand this searing heat better than other varieties. Antique roses have developed that adaptive capability of dealing with high-temperature growing conditions. Climbing roses can withstand hot, dry temperatures well, as well as some varieties of China rose. Choose these heat-hardy varieties if you live in areas where high summer temperatures are common.

    Protecting Roses In High Temperatures

    • To keep roses healthy and blooming in spite of high midsummer temperatures, irrigate plants when rainfall is less than 1 inch per week. Though roses generally withstand drought well, blooms will be healthier and more attractive with regular watering. Water in the morning to allow the foliage to dry properly during the day. This method helps in preventing plant fungus growth. Avoid overwatering roses. The slowed growth of hot weather periods may cause gardeners to consider fertilizing plants more, but this is not necessary and can add too much nitrogen to the soil. Do not attempt transplanting during periods of high temperatures. Wait until the cooler months for best results.