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Rosemary Mint Plants

Rosemary mint is a popular plant with a few varieties. The plant also has many benefits. The various parts of the plant are used for food, skin care products and alternative remedies.
  1. Identification

    • According to the website Plants for a Future, rosemary mint plants are shrubs with flowers that are "hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs)."


    • The plant can be used for cooking and medicine. According to PFAF, the leaves are edible either raw or cooked, and the flowers are edible when cooked. For medicinal purposes the plants help with the "treatment of sores, rheumatism and ear problems."


    • There are two species of the rosemary mint plant, reports the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. The "direct children" are the leafy rosemary mint and frosted rosemary mint.


    • According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the rosemary mint plant is native to the Southwestern United States, including Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Utah.

    Fun Fact

    • The scientific or Latin name for rosemary mint is Poliomintha A. Gray. For the leafy rosemary mint the Latin name is Poliomintha glabrescens Gray. Poliomintha incana Gray is the name for the frosted rosemary mint.