Home Garden

How to Grow Mate

Yerba maté (Ilex paraguariensis) is an evergreen tree in the Holly family that has thick, leathery leaves on light purple or white stems. Drinking tea made from maté plant parts out of a shared hollow gourd is an old social practice throughout much of South America. Maté trees can be grown from seed in the subtropical regions of North and Central America, but if you don't live in these areas you can try your hand at growing yerba maté as a house plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Yerba maté seeds or seedlings
  • Soil
  • Water
  • Nitrogen
  • Pots or decorative containers (optional)
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      Till a plant site that is in full sun or only partially shaded after all danger of frost has passed. The soil should be partially clay-like or sandy, well-draining and rich in iron and phosphoric potassium. The humid river valleys of eastern South America are where yerba maté plants originate, so those who live in the sub-tropical regions of the United States will be able to cultivate maté outdoors. Gardeners growing maté as a potted house plant should stratify their soil, which means putting down layers of sand and soil to plant the seed in.

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      Plant your maté seeds a centimeter or two below the soil's surface and press down on the soil to hold them in place. Water your maté seeds thoroughly and keep the soil moist until you see signs of germination, which may take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, or sometimes up to a year.

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      Care for your maté plant as it grows into a small shrub, and then into a tree up to 15 feet in height once it's established. Maté plants grow fastest in temperatures above 65°F, though they will grow year-round in warm conditions, and they benefit from regular waterings. Indoor maté plants grow to about two to feet feet in height.