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How to Grow Cryptocoryne Spiralis

Cryptocoryne Spiralis is a grassy plant popular as background planting in aquariums. Native to tropical regions of Asia, including India and New Guinea, Cryptocoryne Spiralis is commonly referred to as “crypt spiralis.” As an aquarium plant, cryptocoryne spiralis reproduces vegetatively by sending out runners from its rootstock. It can takes several weeks for crypt spiralis to get established but once it has acclimated to your aquarium, it will spread widely.


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      Prepare your tank. The cryptocoryne spiralis prefers medium to low light, a medium pH, and a rich substrate. Ideally, your aquarium will have been an established ecosystem for at least three months.

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      Purchase your crypt spiralis either from a local aquatic supplies store or an online vendor. Breeders typically grow crypt spiralis, and other aquatic plants, in mineral wool or some other protective material. Using your fingers and a pair of tweezers, carefully remove this material from around the roots of your crypt spiralis.

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      Separate your crypt spiralis into several planting portions. Do this by holding onto a stem and carefully disentangling the roots. Remove any remaining mineral wool or other protective material from the roots of each individual plant.

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      Trim the roots of your crypt spiralis using scissors to remove broken root tips.

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      Plant crypt spiralis in your aquarium substrate using your fingers or tweezers. Carefully push the plant deep into the substrate then ease it back up until the rootstock is just below the surface.