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How to Prune Frost Pansy

Colorful pansies overflow their baskets in profusion in the spring and autumn, preferring cooler weather and some shade. If properly cared for, pansies will bloom for months, even through some less severe winter weather. If you regularly prune your pansies, it will improve their appearance, encourage them to continue blooming and provide floral pleasures throughout most of the year.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears or scissors
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      Pinch the top portion of each growing stem by about 1/2-inch to encourage fullness and lateral growth. This helps prevent your plant from becoming leggy and keeps the flowers mounded in the basket.

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      Remove all spent flowers by pinching just below the old flower head. Taking the spent flowers off the plant just as they begin to wither helps preserve the plant's energy to put toward new growth.

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      Cut back overgrown stems with a sharp pair of scissors or garden shears. You can cut back up to 1/3 of the plant that may not be blooming or has become leggy and isn't growing well. This stimulates new growth and new blooms.

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      Trim dead leaves every four to six weeks. Remove leaves from the plant where they join the stems. Take off stems that are no longer blooming by cutting them off the plant at the base near the earth.