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How to Germinate Cyphostemma Juttae Seeds

Cyphostemma juttae is the botanical name for a plant known as wild grape or tree grape, a species native to Namibia. It is sometimes grown as an ornamental plant, but it's difficult to find in nurseries. So these succulent plants generally are propagated at home using seeds. Cyphostemma juttae seeds germinate reliably and will quickly put on growth, if planted in warm soil. But they must be kept slightly dry during the germination process, to keep them from developing a fungal infection.

Things You'll Need

  • Loam
  • Perlite
  • Coarse sand
  • 2.5-inch square pots
  • Spray bottle
  • Warming mat
  • 1-qt. plastic bags
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    • 1

      Combine 2 parts loam, 1 part perlite and 1 part coarse sand to create a suitable soil mixture for germinating Cyphostemma juttae seeds.

    • 2

      Fill 2.5-inch square pots with the soil mixture. Fill the pots to within one-quarter inch of the top. Press the soil into the pots with your thumbs, to squeeze out any trapped air.

    • 3

      Sow one Cyphostemma juttae seed in each pot. Press the seeds halfway into the soil. Cover them with a one-eighth-inch-thick layer of coarse sand.

    • 4

      Spritz the soil in each pot six or seven times with a spray bottle, to thoroughly moisten the top inch of soil. Water again only when the soil completely dries out.

    • 5

      Set the pots on a warming mat near a window with bright, filtered light. Set the temperature on the warming mat to 70 degrees F.

    • 6

      Place a 1-quart plastic bag over each pot to help hold in warmth and moisture, which will eliminate the need for frequent watering.

    • 7

      Watch for germination three to five weeks after sowing the Cyphostemma juttae seeds. Remove the plastic bags as soon as the seeds sprout.

    • 8

      Keep the Cyphostemma juttae seedlings on the warming mat for three weeks after they sprout, to encourage faster growth.