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How to Grow Hibiscus Mutabilis From Seed

Hibiscus mutabilis is a small multi-trunked tree or a large shrub that is commonly called Confederate rose and cotton rose. These plants come in numerous varieties featuring various blossom colors and can grow to more than 9 feet in both height and width. Native to eastern Asia, hibiscus mutabilis grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 7 to 11. Grow Confederate rose from seeds started indoors at the end of winter or early spring.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Seed pots
  • Seed soil mix
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      Fill a small container with tepid water. Keep the hibiscus mutabilis seeds in the water overnight to encourage germination.

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      Fill the seed pots with a top-quality potting soil or a special seeding mix. Put one or two hibiscus mutabilis seeds in each pot and cover them with a thin layer of soil about 1/4 inch thick.

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      Place the pots in a location with bright sunlight and a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or more. Moisten the soil.

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      Water or mist the soil as needed to maintain moist soil. Watch for the hibiscus mutabilis seedlings to emerge in a week or more.

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      Thin to one hibiscus mutabilis in each pot when the seedlings reach 3 inches tall. Provide water when the soil dries slightly, but never let them sit in water.

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      Transplant the hibiscus mutabilis outside in the beginning of summer if you're planting them as annuals. Wait until the next summer to plant hibiscus mutabilis grown as perennials.