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Tropical Flowers That Can Be Exposed to Full Sun

Tropical flowering plants and trees are a great way to add color to your garden. They produce some of the most beautiful blooms, and come in a wide array of sizes and colors. However, many people find it hard to grow them in their gardens. This is because these plants are very delicate and sensitive to temperature fluctuations and sunlight. However, some tropical flowering plants such as bougainvillea, powder puff, canna lilies and strelitzia thrive in sunlight. And with proper care, you can have the tropical garden you've always dreamed of.

Things You'll Need

  • Bougainvillea, powder puff, canna lilies or strelitzia plants
  • Potting soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Planters (optional)
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      Select the plants of your choice, as well as where to plant them. If they are relatively smaller plants, you may plant each one in a pot or planter. Whereas shrubs or trees should be planted directly in the ground.

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      Make sure that the area you've selected is exposed to significant amount of direct sunlight -- for at least 6 hours per day.

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      Check the planting instructions inserted into the soil of your selected plants, to find the recommended depth and the optimum distance between each plant, before planting them. If needed, visit your local garden center or gardening club to get ideas about planning a tropical garden with flowering plants. Use well-nourished soil that can provide all the nutrients the plants need to thrive.

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      Water the plants regularly -- especially in the hot summer months, when the soil dries out more quickly. Fertilize the plants as frequently as is recommended for the type you've selected, especially during the blooming season. This will improve the appearance of the plants and help them continue to blossom.