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How to Grow Seedlings in a Cake Pan

You don't need expensive or complicated seed starting systems to successfully germinate your own garden seeds indoors. Whether you grow flowers or vegetables, making do with the items you have on hand saves money and the time you'd otherwise spend shopping for supplies. Cake pans, the aluminum disposable variety with the plastic lid, provide the right depth for seed starting and are readily available. The lid doubles as a greenhouse enclosure for the seedlings. They do require some preparation before you begin sprouting so the pans will provide the best possible environment for your seedlings.

Things You'll Need

  • Cake pan with lid
  • Nail
  • Tray or additional pan
  • Seedling soil
  • Spray bottle


    • 1

      Punch holes in the bottom of the cake pan with a nail. Space the holes about 2 inches apart in all directions. These provide drainage.

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      Set the cake pan inside a second pan or on top of a tray. Fill the pan with a seed-starting soil mixture.

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      Fill the bottom cake pan or the tray with 1 inch of water. Allow the soil in the top cake pan to absorb the moisture through the bottom holes for 30 minutes to 1 hour, or until the soil surface becomes moist. Empty the remaining water out of the bottom pan or tray.

    • 4

      Sow the seeds on the soil surface inside the cake pan. Space seeds 1 to 2 inches apart in all directions. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil---1/4 inch for small seeds or ½ inch for larger seeds. Refer to the seed packet for exact sowing depths.

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      Mist the soil surface with water from a spray bottle until it's evenly moist but not soggy. Place the plastic lid on the cake pan. The lid allows light through but prevents moisture from evaporating out of the soil during germination.

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      Set the cake pan in a warm area. Most seeds don't require light to germinate, but refer to the seed packet for exact sprouting requirements for your seed variety.

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      Remove the lid once sprouts push through the soil, which can take up to three weeks depending on plant variety. Move the cake pan to a warm, sunny area.

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      Water the seedlings when the soil surface dries. Pour water into the bottom pan or tray and allow the soil to soak up water until the surface moistens. Always empty any remaining standing water from the tray after watering.