Home Garden

How to Replant Baby Toes Plants

Baby toes is the common name for the Fenestraria rhopalophylla plant, a succulent type of plant that belongs to the Aizoaceae family. Although baby toes plants only survive outdoors in climates that experience minimum temperatures no cooler than 46 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, they make attractive houseplants. You should replant a baby toes plant into a new container about once every 36 months or when fine roots begin emerging from the drainage holes in the current pot.

Things You'll Need

  • Shallow pot with drainage holes
  • Pea gravel
  • Lime
  • Crushed charcoal
  • Loam
  • Sandy gravel
  • Vegetative mulch
  • Large spoon


    • 1

      Prepare a new pot for your baby toes plant by selecting a shallow, broad pot that contains drainage holes in the bottom. Pots designed for cactus and succulent gardens work well for these dainty succulents.

    • 2

      Spread a single layer of fine pea gravel across the bottom of the pot to ensure optimal drainage. Make a well-drained, slightly alkaline soil by mixing together one-half part lime, one-half part crushed charcoal, four parts loose loam, four parts sandy gravel and two parts vegetative mulch. Fill the pot about halfway full, using this porous, sandy soil. Scoop a small indentation out of the center with your fingertips.

    • 3

      Water the baby toes plant deeply the day before you intend to replant it in a new container. This will encourage the succulent leaves to absorb an abundance of moisture prior to transplantation. Remove the baby toes plant from its original pot by gently scooping under the outer edges of the surface foliage with a large spoon. Keep as much of the loose, crumbly soil around the roots as possible. Transfer the uprooted baby toes plant into your prepared pot, placing in carefully in the indentation. Fill in the soil around the roots with mixed medium, gently covering the roots and maintaining the original depth. Firm the soil over the roots by pressing it with your fingertips.

    • 4

      Set the replanted baby toes pot in a drip pan to catch excess moisture. Water the transplanted baby toes until a small amount of water emerges from the drainage holes. Empty the excess water from the drip pan.

    • 5

      Place the repotted baby toes plant in a bright, sunny location, such as a southern window or a warm patio. Water the plant deeply about once every two weeks.