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How to Grow Vegetable Seeds Indoors

Growing vegetable seeds can be a great way to give your garden a boost in the spring. Not to mention a lot cheaper than purchasing already started plants. Follow these simple steps to get your vegetable seedlings started indoors.

Things You'll Need

  • Soil or Seed Starter pellets
  • Tray or small Pots to plant in
  • Seeds
  • Optional UV Light or Sunny Place to Put plants.


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      The first step in planting vegetable seeds indoors is to get your seeds and necessary supplies. Make sure when selecting your seeds that you read the packets, because some plants cannot be started indoors and must be sowed into the soil after last chance of frost has passed. I would start out with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, squash, zucchini or beans as these are often the easiest to grow. Stay away from carrots and onions because they have to be started in the ground.

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      You will need to purchase something to grow the seed in. There are seed starter kits that are available at most home stores or you can use small pots. If using seed starter kits look for the ones with the soil pellets because it is a quick and easy way to get started. You can also pick up a grow light if you do not have a good sunny place to put your new little plants.

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      Now that you have your seeds and your supplies it is time to get planting. It is usually a good idea to start your seeds inside about 6-8 weeks prior to the last frost in your area. This will give the plants a hefty head start on producing fruit in the summer.

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      Set out all your supplies to begin planting your seeds. How many seeds you plant will depend largely on the size of your garden. It is always a good idea to plant extra seedling because transplanting them into your garden can be stressful to the plants and you may lose some.

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      If you are using the soil pellets follow the instruction that come with them but basically you soak the pellets to allow them to expand and then place a single seed in each pellet and water each day.

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      For seeds starting in pots put the soil in the pots and put one or two seeds in each pot. Two seeds will better your chances that one will sprout but if both do than you will have to pull one so the other has more room to grow. It is your choice which you prefer.

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      Once you have the seeds planted you will need to place them in a warm sunny location or under a grow light so they get enough light.

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      Next you will need to keep them watered so the soil remains moist but not to wet. Make sure to check the soil to determine if it is still wet or if it needs a little more water.

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      Once your seeds have sprouted you can continue to care for them inside until the danger of frost has passed and you can safely plant them outside.

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      When you are getting close to planting them outside it is helpful to acclimate your seedlings to the outside. Place them outside 1-2 weeks before you are going to put them in the ground and continue to check on them and water as needed. Make sure if it is going to frost or gets close to the freezing mark that you bring your tender little seedlings back inside.

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      Plant your seedling in the ground after the last chance of frost. Make sure to put both the seedling and the soil around it in the ground. Never pull the roots from the surrounding soil, as it is too hard on the plant and the tender little root will get broken.

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      Water them regularly after transplanting because they are especially sensitive at this point to drying out and dying. Then all you have to do is maintain a regular watering cycle and sit back and wait for those tasty homegrown vegetables.