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How to Care for a Money Tree Plant With Yellow Leaves

Pachira aquatica, a tropical plant native to Central and South America, prefers warm, humid climate with well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight. While Pachira aquatic, also known as money tree plant, is a relatively hardy evergreen, not providing its basic growth needs adversely affects its health and appearance. Chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green pigment in leaves, is necessary for photosynthesis, which allows plants to obtain energy from light. Chlorosis – the lack of chlorophyll – causes leaves to yellow. Yellow leaves are a strong indication that a plant's watering, sunlight and feeding requirements are not met. Take swift action as soon as any leaf-yellowing occurs to prevent permanent damage to the plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic potting soil
  • Perlite
  • Sand
  • Water-soluble organic fertilizer


    • 1

      Plant your money tree in a well-draining container filled with a mixture of equal parts organic potting soil, perlite and sand. Heavy garden soil and many commercial potting mixes used alone compact and reduce drainage. If your plant is root-bound, transplant it into a larger pot with plenty of drainage holes and a drip tray.

    • 2

      Place your plant in an area that receives full sun to partial shade daily. A location near a south-, east- or west-facing window provides the best lighting. Inadequate lighting conditions cause leaf-yellowing and spindly growth. Return the plant to its previous location if the leaves yellowed after a recent move to another room. Any drastic change in lighting conditions can result in shock-induced leaf yellowing.

    • 3

      Water your plant weekly, and allow the soil to drain thoroughly. Check to ensure the container is draining properly and that the plant's roots are not sitting in water. Overwatering and poor draining of the soil lead to root rot and yellow leaves. Too little watering also results in leaf yellowing and loss, as well as wilted leaves. Weekly watering works well, but do not let the soil dry out. Check the soil surface with your finger, and water the plant if it feels dry. The California Rare Fruit Growers recommend cutting down on watering frequency during the winter months.

    • 4

      Apply an organic, water-soluble fertilizer lightly twice a month during the warmer months of the year and once a month during the winter. Mix the fertilizer according to the packaging instructions, then dilute in half by mixing with an equal amount of water. Money trees require very little fertilizer, and applying too much will cause leaf burn, yellowing or possibly even the death of the money plant. If the leaves remain yellow even after light fertilization, reduce or discontinue the fertilizer application entirely.