Home Garden

How to Grow Scindapsus Pictus

Scindapsus pictus, also known as pictus and pothos plant, is an epiphytic, tropical, climbing vine that grows wild throughout the Pacific Islands. The vine boasts large green and silver variegated leaves. Because Scindapsus pictus is hardy in only U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 10 in the United States, it's cultivated as a houseplant in most parts of the country. Scindapsus pictus is simple to grow and makes an attractive addition to indoor home landscapes.

Things You'll Need

  • 6- to 8-inch pot or planter with several 1/4-inch holes on bottom
  • Coarse gravel or pottery shards
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Peat moss
  • Leaf mold
  • Loam
  • Redwood bark pieces
  • Perlite
  • Balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer


    • 1

      Line the bottom of a 6- to 8-inch pot or planter with 1 inch of coarse gravel or pottery shards. The container may be made of any material, but it must have several 1/4-inch drainage holes in its bottom to allow excess water to drain.

    • 2

      Combine four parts sphagnum moss, three parts peat moss, two parts leaf mold, one part loam, one part redwood bark pieces and one part perlite to create a well-draining but moisture-retentive growing medium in the pot or planter. Plant your Scindapsus pictus in the growing medium at the same depth at which it grew in its nursery container.

    • 3

      Position the potted plant within 8 feet of a window that receives two hours of direct sunlight per day and up to four additional hours of bright, indirect sunlight. Keep the potted plant at least 6 feet from heaters and air conditioners, which causes the plant's growing medium to dry faster than at other locations.

    • 4

      Water your Scindapsus pictus weekly from spring through fall to keep its growing medium evenly moistened. Hold the potted plant under cool running water until you see water pouring from the container's drainage holes. Reduce the frequency of irrigation in winter, allowing the surface of the growing medium to feel dry to your touch.

    • 5

      Fertilize the plant monthly from spring through fall with a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer. Mix and apply the fertilizer product according to its package directions.