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How to Identify Arizona Cactus

Arizona, a dry climate desert state, is home to many types of cactus. Some of the most common cacti in the state are the saguaro cactus, the Arizona barrel cactus, teddy bear cholla cactus and the Organ pipe cactus. Each type of cactus has special characteristics from which you can identify them if you look carefully enough.


  1. How to Identify a Saguaro Cactus

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      Look for a tall, tree-like columnar cactus with arms that are bent upward. This cactus can grow between 40 and 60 feet tall, so look for cacti that are taller than others.

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      Check to see if the cactus has protective spines with white flowers or red fruit.

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      Examine the skin of the cactus. If the skin is waxy and covered in 2-inch spines, you are probably looking at a saguaro cactus. The spines should be pointing slightly downward, which helps the cactus direct rare water to its roots.

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      Check for nesting animals in the cactus. Gila woodpeckers and flickers in particular like to nest in the interior of this cactus. Typically, the woodpecker will drill two or three holes in the cactus before deciding which one to live in. Look for holes such as these to help you identify this cactus.

    How to Identify an Arizona Barrel Cactus

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      Look for a barrel-shaped cactus between 4 and 10 feet tall with prominent ribs and very heavy spines. Some of the spines near the center of the cactus may be curved like a fish hook.

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      Examine the top of the plant to see if there are flowers of fruits. The top of the plant does not bear spines, but will grow yellow-green or red flowers like a crown on the cactus.

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      Look at the spines of the cactus closely. Beneath a gray surface layer, the spines will grow red.

    How to Identify a Teddy Bear Cholla

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      Search for a cactus that appears to have soft and fuzzy-looking spines. These spines give the teddy bear cholla its name. Despite their appearance, the spines are actually very sharp. These spines are also barbed.

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      Look at the ground for dead or newly sprouted joints. This type of cactus has segments that separate very easily at the slightest amount of pressure and fall to the ground.

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      Check for yellow to green flowers, which bloom from February to May. These flowers will be around 1 1/2 inch in diameter.

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      Find green wrinkled fruit along the cactus. This fruit is 2 to 4 inches long and will never really ripen.

    How to Identify an Organ Pipe Cactus

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      Look out for a 15- to 25-foot cactus that grows multiple arms around its base.

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      Try to find flowers that are long and white, which grow on the sides of the arms. These flowers will bloom at night and will close at sun up.

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      Examine the stems of the cactus. If the stems are slender, curving and vertical, much like the pipes of an old fashioned organ, you probably have found an Organ pipe cactus. The stems are about 6 inches in diameter.

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      Check for flower buds growing at the tip of the stems. The flowers of an Organ pipe cactus will be white to pale lavender in color and will bloom at night. Bats will frequent this cactus for the flower's nectar.